Roasted Turkey Breast with Christmas Stuffing on Pumpkin Puree with Peppercorn Sauce by Manu

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Serves 8 | Time: 1 hour & 45 mins


1 tbsp olive oil

50gr butter

200g sausage mince

1 brown onion, chopped

5 slices, day old fruit bread, torn

1 tbsp chopped sage

Zest of 1 orange

1 egg

¼ cup brandy (optional)

2kg Turkey breast, butterflied, skin on

1 tbsp olive oil

50g butter

Bunch of sage, extra

1kg Kent pumpkin ( peeled, deseeded; cut in wedges)

50g extra butter

1 tsp nutmeg

Salt and pepper

2x Peppercorn sauce pouches by Manu

2 Tbsp. cranberry


1. Preheat a fan forced oven on 180c.

2. For the stuffing, place a large pan over a medium heat. Add the olive oil & butter, then add the onion, cook until the onion has softened, then add in the sage and the orange zest. Add the brandy to the pan and flambe. Allow to cool. In a large mixing bowl add the sausage mince, onion & sage mix, fruit bread, and egg. Season well and mix until well combined.

3. Place the turkey breast skin side down and evenly spread the stuffing mixture in the centre of the breast. Using butcher string, tie up the breast until closed.

4. Place a frying pan onto a medium to high heat, add the olive oil and the butter, season the turkey breast with salt & pepper. When the butter begins foaming add the sage and fry the turkey breast all around until golden brown. Place the turkey breast on a roasting tray with the skin side up. Roast in the oven at 180C for 40 mins, baste the turkey with the pan juices every 10 minutes. Then rest for 10 minutes with foil covered.

5. For the pumpkin puree, place the pumpkin wedges on a roasting tray with greaseproof paper, drizzle with olive oil, salt & pepper and nutmeg. Place in the oven at 180C for 15 - 20 minutes or until soft and caramelised. Place the cooked pumpkin in a food processor with the melted butter and rectify the seasoning.

6. Tear the pouches of Peppercorn Sauce by Manu, place into a sauce pan, bring to boil and stir in the cranberry jelly.

7. Serve sliced of the turkey with the pumpkin puree and plenty of sauce.


Christmas Ballantine of Stuffed Turkey Leg with Mushroom Sauce by Manu


Pot Roast Chicken with Peppercorn Sauce by Manu